Thursday, September 18, 2008

Julie Ninja

It wouldn't be long now.

Dusk settled on the town. Raw night rushed over the empty streets and scurried up buildings. Somewhere off in the distance a dog barked. Julie almost laughed out loud.

Knees tight from hours spent kneeling, she watched the windows, little twinkling eyes catching the last glimmer of light in the sky. She knew these eyes, could number them each in her head and sort them neatly. Playing out little family scenes every night, some better than others, each had a place in her head, each had a time she would visit them.

Movement down the street caught her eye. There he was, bloody savior of the world. This face she knew nearly as well as the windows, though loved far less. Despise was closer. Cherubic face, cold gray eyes, holier than thou attitude, he was halfway to being a martyr. He lacked the dead part, but she could help with that.

Hours had crept by Julie as she knelt, unmoving in the alley. Sure people looked, but they didn't see, not really. They saw what they expected to see and Julie knew how to fit in to those expectations, to seem a part of the scene and therefore, not notable past a minute or two. That was her specialty and it irritated her that she had been unable to throw off this trick messiah.

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